The CNMI Indigenous Entrepreneurs, Inc. conducted successful village meetings in Koblervill on August 15, 2007 at the residence of Carmen Tilipao, in Kagman II on August 16, 2007 at the residences of Sid Ogarto, in Chalan Kiya on August 17, 2007 at the residence of Margaret S. Mendiola. Thank you to Luis Tilipao, Sid Ogarto and Maggie Mendiola for their efforts in coordinating the public education meeting in their respective villages.
Anyone interested in hosting a public education village meeting in their homes so that their families and friends can better understand about the intend of the Saipan Casino Act, please contact us at 287-0494 (Jess), 287-5646 (Liling), or 285-5761 (Paduna).