If you are voting NO to Saipan Casino Initiative on November 3, 2007, then it means ...
...it is alright for 400 government employees to be laid off from their jobs this coming December 2007.
...it is alright for Fiscal Year 2008 (October 01, 2007 to September 30, 20087) for additional 1021 government employees to be laid off from their jobs and for their families to suffer.
...it is alright that many homes are in the dark with children studying under a candle light because they can not afford to pay CUC whose rate is the highest in the nation.
...it is alright that young men and women who are interested to pursue higher education abroad may stay behind because scholarship funding may not be available and with the probability of becoming jobless.
...it is alright for our love ones who are sick to suffer due to doctors leaving the island and hardly anyone to attend to them and the lack of funds for medical referral to hospitals abroad. No subsistence allowance for medical referral patients and their escorts.
...it is alright for the thousands of government retirees to lose their pension (the only income that supports their families) because the Retirement Fund may bankrupt by the year 2018.
...it is alright for businesses to go bankrupt and for Saipan to have the highest rate of unemployment creating a poor and an unhealthy environment which at the end will promote prostitutions, burglaries, drugs and other criminalities.